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Completed Palindrome: Approaching the Problem 


def is_palindrome(s):    """ (str) -> bool    Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.        >>> is_palindrome('noon')    True    >>> is_palindrome('racecar')    True    >>> is_palindrome('dented')    False    """    return reverse(s) == sdef reverse(s):    """ (str) -> str    Return a reversed version of s.        >>> reverse('hello')    'olleh'    >>> reverse('a')    'a'    """    rev = ''    # For each character in s, add that char to the beginning of rev.    for ch in s:        rev = ch + rev    return rev
def is_palindrome_v2(s):    """ (str) -> bool    Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.    >>> is_palindrome_v2('noon')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v2('racecar')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v2('dented')    False    """    # the number of chars in s    n = len(s)        # Compare the first half of s to the reverse of the second half.    return s[: n//2 ] == reverse( s[ n - n//2 :] )def reverse(s):    """ (str) -> str    Return a reversed version of s.    >>> reverse('hello')    'olleh'    >>> reverse('a"0    'a'    """    rev = ''    #For each character in s, add that char to the beginning of rev.    for ch in s:        rev = ch + rev    return rev
def is_palindrome_v3(s):    """ (str) -> bool    Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.    >>> is_palindrome_v3('noon')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v3('racecar')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v3('dented')    False    """    i = 0    j = len(s)-1    while i

The Restaurant Recommendations Problem

The Problem: Write a function that has three parameters:

- a restarurant file opened for reading
- the price range ( one of $,$$,$$$,$$$$ )
- a list of cuisines.
It returns a list of restaurants ( in that price range serving at least one of those cuisines ) and their ratings sorted from highest to lowest

问题: 编写一个传入三个参数的函数

- 一个餐馆
- 一个价格($,$$,$$$,$$$$)美元符号越多说明消费越贵
- 一个美食列表( 注意是 list 哦 )

"""A restaurant recommendation system.Here are some example dictionaries.These correspond to the information in restaurants_small.txt.Restaurant name to rating:# dict of {str: int}{'Georgie Porgie': 87, 'Queen St. Cafe': 82, 'Dumplings R Us': 71, 'Mexican Grill': 85, 'Deep Fried Everything': 52}Price to list of restaurant names:# dict of {str, list of str}{'$': ['Queen St. Cafe', 'Dumplings R Us', 'Deep Fried Everything'], '$$': ['Mexican Grill'], '$$$': ['Georgie Porgie'], '$$$$': []}Cuisine to list of restaurant names:# dict of {str, list of str}{'Canadian': ['Georgie Porgie'], 'Pub Food': ['Georgie Porgie', 'Deep Fried Everything'], 'Malaysian': ['Queen St. Cafe'], 'Thai': ['Queen St. Cafe'], 'Chinese': ['Dumplings R Us'], 'Mexican': ['Mexican Grill']}With this data, for a price of '$' and cuisines of ['Chinese', 'Thai'], wewould produce this list:    [[82, 'Queen St. Cafe'], [71, 'Dumplings R Us']]"""# The file containing the restaurant data.FILENAME = 'c:/restaurants.txt'def recommend(file, price, cuisines_list):    """(file open for reading, str, list of str) -> list of [int, str] list    Find restaurants in file that are priced according to price and that are    tagged with any of the items in cuisines_list.  Return a list of lists of    the form [rating%, restaurant name], sorted by rating%.    """    # Read the file and build the data structures.    name_to_rating , price_to_names , cuisine_to_names = read_restaurants(FILENAME);    # Look for price or cuisines first    # Price: look up the list of restaurant names for the requested price    names_maching = price_to_names[price]    # Now we have a list of restaurants in the right price range.    # Need a new list of restaurants that serve one of the cuisines.    names_final = filter_by_cuisine( names_maching , cuisine_to_names , cuisines_list );    # Now we have a list of restaurants that are the right price and serve the requested cuisine.    # Need to look at ratings and sort this list.    result =  build_rating_list( name_to_rating , names_final )    # We're done ! Return that sorted list.    print( result )    def read_restaurants(file):    """ (file) -> ( dict , dict , dict )    Return a tuple of three dictionaries based on information in the file:    - a dict of { restaurant name: rating% }    - a dict of { price: list of restaurant names }    - a dict of { cuisine: list of restaurant names }    """    name_to_rating = {}    price_to_names = { '$': [] , '$$': [] , '$$$': [] , '$$$$': [] }    cuisine_to_names = {}    fobj = open(file)    lines = fobj.readlines()        for i in range(0,len(lines),5):        restaurant_name = lines[i].replace('\n','')        rating = int( lines[i+1].replace('%','').replace('\n','') )        price = lines[i+2].replace('\n','')        cuisines = lines[i+3].replace('\n','').split(',')        # build name_to_rating dic        name_to_rating[restaurant_name] = rating        # build price_to_names dic        price_to_names[price].append(restaurant_name);        # build cuisine_to_names dic        for c in cuisines:            if not(c in cuisine_to_names):                cuisine_to_names[c] = []            cuisine_to_names[c].append(restaurant_name)               return ( name_to_rating , price_to_names , cuisine_to_names )def filter_by_cuisine( names_matching , cuisine_to_names , cuisines_list ):    """ (list of str, dict of {str: list of str}, list of str) -> list of str    >>> names = ['Queen St. Cafe', 'Dumplings R Us', 'Deep Fried Everything']    >>> cuis = 'Canadian': ['Georgie Porgie'],     'Pub Food': ['Georgie Porgie', 'Deep Fried Everything'],     'Malaysian': ['Queen St. Cafe'],     'Thai': ['Queen St. Cafe'],     'Chinese': ['Dumplings R Us'],     'Mexican': ['Mexican Grill']}    >>> cuisines = ['Chinese', 'Thai']    >>> filter_by_cuisine(names, cuis, cuisines)    ['Queen St. Cafe', 'Dumplings R Us']    """    names_final = [];        for c in cuisines_list:        for n in names_matching:            if n in cuisine_to_names[c] and not( n in names_final ):                names_final.append(n)    return names_finaldef build_rating_list(name_to_rating, names_final):    """ (dict of {str: int}, list of str) -> list of list of [int, str]    Return a list of [rating%, restaurant name], sorted by rating%    >>> name_to_rating = {'Georgie Porgie': 87,     'Queen St. Cafe': 82,     'Dumplings R Us': 71,     'Mexican Grill': 85,     'Deep Fried Everything': 52}    >>> names = ['Queen St. Cafe', 'Dumplings R Us']    [[82, 'Queen St. Cafe'], [71, 'Dumplings R Us']]    """    result = []    for n in names_final:        result.append([ name_to_rating[n] , n ])            result.sort()    result.reverse()    return result

Testing Automatically using doctest


def collect_vowels(s):    ''' (str) -> str    Return the vowels (a,e,i,o and u) from s.    >>> collect_vowels('Happy Anniversary!')    'aAiea'    >>> collect_vowels('xyz')    ''    '''    vowels = ''    for char in s:        if char in 'aeiouAEIOU':            vowels = vowels + char    return vowelsdef count_vowels(s):    ''' (str) -> int    Return the number of vowels in s.    >>> count_vowels('Happy Anniversary!')    5    >>> count_vowels('xyz')    0    '''    num_vowels = 0    for char in s:        if char in 'aeiouAEIOU':            num_vowels = num_vowels + 1    return num_vowelsimport doctestdoctest.testmod()

Writing a "__main__" program



def is_palindrome_v1(s):    """ (str) -> bool     Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.         >>> is_palindrome('noon')    True    >>> is_palindrome('racecar')    True    >>> is_palindrome('dented')    False    """    return reverse(s) == s def reverse(s):    """ (str) -> str     Return a reversed version of s.         >>> reverse('hello')    'olleh'    >>> reverse('a')    'a'    """     rev = ''    # For each character in s, add that char to the beginning of rev.    for ch in s:        rev = ch + rev     return revprint ( "This is palindrome v1, the module name is ", __name__ )if __name__ == '__main__': # 判断是否是被其他模块import    word = input("Enter a world: ")    if is_palindrome_v1(word):        print(word, 'is a palindrome.')    else:        print(word, 'is not a palindrome.')


def is_palindrome_v2(s):    """ (str) -> bool     Return True if and only if s is a palindrome.     >>> is_palindrome_v2('noon')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v2('racecar')    True    >>> is_palindrome_v2('dented')    False    """    # the number of chars in s    n = len(s)         # Compare the first half of s to the reverse of the second half.    return s[: n//2 ] == reverse( s[ n - n//2 :] )import palindrome_v1

Creating your own types

class WordplayStr(str):    """A string that can report whether it has interesting properties"""    def same_start_and_end(self):        """ (WordplayStr) -> bool        Precondition: len(self) > 0        Return whether self starts and ends with the same letter.        >>> s = WordplayStr('abcba')        >>> s.same_start_and_end()        True        >>> s = WordplayStr('cace')        >>> s.same_start_and_end()        False        """        return self[0] == self[-1]if __name__ == '__main__':    import doctest    doctest.testmod()

Testing Automatically Using unittest


def get_divisors(num, possible_divisors):    ''' (int, list of int) -> list of int    Return a list of the values from possible_divisors    that are divisors of num.    >>> get_divisors(8, [1,2,3])    [1, 2]    >>> get_divisors(4, [-2,0,2])    [-2, 2]    '''    divisors = []    for item in possible_divisors:        if item !=0 and num % item == 0:            divisors.append(item)    return divisorsif __name__ == '__main__':    import doctest    doctest.testmod()


import unittestimport divisorsclass TestDivisors(unittest.TestCase):    """ Example unittest test mehtods for get_divisors."""    def test_divisors_example_1(self):        """ Test get_divisros with 8 and [1,2,3]."""        actual = divisors.get_divisors(8, [1,2,3])        expected = [1, 2]        self.assertEqual( actual, expected)    def test_divisors_example_2(self):        """ Test get_divisros with 4 and [-2,0,2]."""        actual = divisors.get_divisors(4, [-2,0,2])        expected = [-2, 2]        self.assertEqual( actual, expected)if __name__ == '__main__':    unittest.main(exit=False)

Another Unittest Example


def remove_shared(L1,L2):    """ (list list)    Remove items from L1 that are in both L1 and L2.    >>> list_1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]    >>> list_2 = [2,4,5,7]    >>> remove_shared(list_1,list_2)    >>> list_1    [1, 3, 6]    >>> list_2    [2, 4, 5, 7]    """    for v in L2:        if v in L1:            L1.remove(v)            if __name__ == '__main__':    import doctest    doctest.testmod()


import unittestimport duplicatesclass TestRemoveShared(unittest.TestCase):    """Tests for function duplicates.remove_shared."""    def test_general_case(self):        """        Test remove_shared where there are items that        appear in both lists, and items that appear in        only one or the other list.        """        list_1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]        list_2 = [2,4,5,7]        list_1_expected = [1,3,6]        list_2_expected = [2,4,5,7]        duplicates.remove_shared(list_1,list_2)        self.assertEqual(list_1,list_1_expected)        self.assertEqual(list_2,list_2_expected)if __name__ == '__main__':    unittest.main(exit=False)


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